Solidariteit benefits
Solidarity members, through their monthly payment of membership fees, can enjoy a range of benefits. Solidarity’s offer is subject to terms and conditions.

Labour assistance
Solidarity provides labour law advice and representation as well as labour relations services and collective bargaining where recognition agreements are in place.
Occupational health and safety
Solidarity provides assistance with claims for occupational injuries.
Funeral assistance
Qualifying* members receive comprehensive funeral assistance that includes his/her spouse or nominated life partner and dependent children younger than 21 years of age. Persons aged 50 years and older upon joining Solidarity and who are not employed at a collective company do not qualify for this assistance.

Maternity assistance
Maternity assistance is paid per child to female members with 12 months’ continuous Solidarity membership.
Drafting of a will
A will, free of charge, will be drawn up and stored for members.